Our company offers a wide range of services, as well as personal and professional assistance, especially related to the world of antique clocks.
With our experience we define every clock as a unique single piece; an antique that functions as if was just brand new.
That is why our restoration service will allow you to relive any kind of clock. By combining the ancient craft of clock making with the effectiveness of new technologies, we get an optimal restoration of all the parts, which are rebuilt handmade, if they are defected. The restorations are treated delicately, making a full review of all the cases.
If you buy a clock by Antic Daró, you are not just taking an unique piece, but will have expert advice and an excellent post-sale personalized service.
We also offer a guarantee of 10 years in the mechanisms and, of course, transportation and installation in your house by the same clockmaker.
Recovering the watches of your grandparents or buying a good looking original one, it will be a privilege for the customer who comes to Antic Daró.
Our goal is clear: to guarantee happy customers and keep them, who value efficiency and confidence.